VicTrack Rolls Out P25 Digital Distributed Antenna System
This major hotel chain is located near the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), an ideal choice for travelers of the LAX. With over 1000 guest rooms and 50,000 square feet of meeting space for seminars and conferences, the Hotel requires seamless cellular phone service to ensure satisfaction of their guests; especially during full occupancy or high traffic events.
Guest experience, aesthetics and ease of installation are all very important to this hotel. In addition, a solution that enables their guests to make calls, text, browse the internet and stream videos without interruption from multiple Mobile Operators, and a future-proof solution supporting both 3G and 4G LTE MIMO is required. Preserving aesthetics and minimizing installation time are also very important requirements for this hotel; therefore, a solution with minimal fibers and equipment is required.
After considering various options, Dali Wireless RF Router® was the clear choice. With the ability to support multi-operators and multi-bands including 700, 850, 1900 and 2100MHz over a single fiber, installation cost and time were greatly decreased and aesthetics were preserved. Also, Dali Wireless is technology, vendors and bands agnostics, so it supports 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE, SISO and MIMO, making it a future-proofed solution.
In this deployment, signal is fed by an eNode Bs base station to 3 tHost® which are daisy-chained to 17 remote radio units, t30™. One sector covers 375,000 sq feet spread across 5 floors including the underground facilities and parking in a SISO configuration. Another sector covers 225,000 sq feet spread across 3 floors including lower lobby, lobby and the 2nd floor in a MIMO configuration.
The delay adjustment of each MIMO path has a setting of less than 35 nanoseconds (ns), making Dali Wireless the only solution that meets the 3GPP MIMO signal requirements for delay in-balance of maximum 65ns. The accuracy and speed are enabled with Dali Wireless’ proprietary automated delay calibration technology enabling signal to be transmitted to the remote radio units at precise time for better data throughput.
Also, with the remote radio units being daisy-chained, additional coverage and capacity for other floors can be added as budget becomes available in a truly plug-and-play fashion with no service interruption.
In addition, for the first phase, a Tier 1 Mobile Operator joined as the anchor operator and the Hotel expects other mobile operators to join incrementally. Furthermore, the Hotel plans to transport Wi-Fi signal over the same fiber as well in the near future. With Dali Wireless’ solution, additional fibers are not required to be installed, as multi-operators’ signal are processed and transported together over a single fiber and Wi-Fi is transported over the same fiber backbone at 1Gbps. This eases installation and saves installation cost.
With the inherent flexibility and scalability of Dali Wireless RF Router, guests can experience seamless coverage and increased capacity now and in the future for better mobile experience.
VicTrack Rolls Out P25 Digital Distributed Antenna System
Dallas Fort Worth International Airport Public Safety Design
Major Hotel in Los Angeles
Dali Wireless provides wireless infrastructure that offers new and better ways to handle exponential growth in mobile data traffic.
Dali’s fully digital wireless signal routing solution revolutionizes in-building and outdoor coverage and capacity by eliminating interference and maximizing spectrum usage.
Mobile operators, large enterprises and public safety networks around the world deploy Dali technology to ensure high quality service and a seamless migration to 5G.
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U.S. Appellate Court Ruled Against CommScope and Reaffirmed Dali Wireless’ RAN Virtualization Seminal Patent
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After the Dali Wireless-CommScope Court Fight, Legal Uncertainties Linger in the Enterprise RAN
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Dali Wireless, Inc.
535 Middlefield Road, Ste 280
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Dali Wireless (Canada), Inc.
8618 Commerce Court
Burnaby, BC V5A 4N6 Canada
Dali Wireless (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd
Suite 3911, 39/F., Jardine House,
1 Connaught Place
Central, Hong Kong