Q&A: The Evolution of Wireless Webinar #5G #RANVirtualization

September 14, 2016

Q. Can you advise how it will be regarding the backhaul and fronthaul in 5G? Can and how will your products migrate with GPON for the backhaul?

A. It is difficult to say what will happen with 5G at this point. It is our belief that 5G will be much more latency tolerant. We expect that both the backhaul and fronthaul will be using fiber due to the higher data rate. The other option for fronthaul will be millimeter wave on a point to point basis.

Dali Wireless is fully compatible with GPON for backhaul. We had a trial for this in a live system on air to prove that digital DAS works in a GPON/wireless environment. Read here for more information on our GPON solution.

Click here to watch the recorded webinar presentation.

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